Why Apple makes its Software free now?

Today, the new Apple products of new iPads, MacBooks, and Mac Pros were introduced  in San Francisco.However, what makes Apple decide to sacrifice its profits to free its major software? This is including Mac OS X, code-named Mavericks. Mavericks and two other software suites, iWork and iLife. Also, Apple kept the trend to lower its price for the previous version of Mac OS X,Mountain Lion ($19). On the contrary, MSFT charges a much more expensive price to update its new version system($120). To answer this question, this is actually a marketing strategy for Apple to make more profits. More specifically, software is a means to sell hardware. There are still some professional apps to make a powerful profit margin, but it can not be regarded as the major products in markets. Its marketing strategy is to let your Apple products update the latest version of the software as soon as possible, so it can achieve the perfect integration of its hardware and software in a more efficient way. Thus, they can sell more Apple products due to the integration of its hardware and software.




Grobart, Sam. “Why Apple Wants Its Software to Be Free.” Bloomberg Businessweek. N.p., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

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